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The Intriguing Motive: Why Narumi Kato Wants to Kill Shirogane Saige


In the enigmatic world of “Karakuri Circus,” a captivating manga series created by Kazuhiro Fujita, the narrative revolves around an intricate web of characters, secrets, and battles against powerful automatons. At the center of this thrilling tale are two individuals: Narumi Kato, a martial artist afflicted with the mysterious Zonapha Syndrome, and Shirogane Saige, a silver-haired woman and caretaker of Masaru Saiga, who inherits an immense fortune and aspires to become a puppeteer. Delving into the depths of their intertwined destinies, we uncover the reasons behind Narumi Kato’s desire to kill Shirogane Saige. Let us embark on this journey to unravel the secrets and motivations that drive the characters in this mesmerizing world.

The Tragic Backstory:


To comprehend the complex dynamic between Narumi Kato and Shirogane Saige, we must first explore the tragic backstory that spans two centuries. Two brothers, Bai Yin and Bai Jin, embarked on a journey from China to Prague to study alchemy and puppetry. It was during this time that they encountered a captivating woman named Francine, both falling deeply in love with her. However, fate had other plans, as Francine agreed to marry Bai Yin, devastating Bai Jin. Consumed by hatred and despair, Bai Jin ultimately abducted Francine, setting in motion a series of events that would echo through time [1].

The Zonapha Syndrome and Narumi Kato’s Plight:


Fast forward to the present, where Narumi Kato, a skilled martial artist, suffers from the enigmatic Zonapha Syndrome. This peculiar ailment inhibits his ability to breathe unless he can elicit laughter from those around him [2]. This condition not only makes Narumi’s life a constant struggle but also propels him into a relentless pursuit to find a cure.

Shirogane Saige:


The Key to Narumi’s Salvation: Enter Shirogane Saige, a vital figure in Narumi Kato’s life. As Masaru Saiga’s caretaker and puppeteer, Shirogane possesses the ability to control the puppet Harlequin. It is through her connection with Masaru that Shirogane becomes intricately linked to Narumi’s quest for a cure to the Zonapha Syndrome [1]. While initially seen as a potential savior, Shirogane’s involvement becomes more complex and tumultuous as the story progresses.

The Betrayal and Unveiling of Secrets:


As the intricate plot unfolds, hidden agendas, betrayals, and long-held secrets come to light, intensifying the conflict between Narumi Kato and Shirogane Saige. These revelations challenge their trust in one another and lay the foundation for their eventual adversarial relationship. The motivations behind Narumi Kato’s desire to kill Shirogane Saige stem from the deep-rooted pain and personal anguish he experiences due to her involvement in his pursuit of a cure.


Within the rich tapestry of “Karakuri Circus,” the motivations and desires of the characters drive the narrative forward. Narumi Kato’s yearning to kill Shirogane Saige stems from a complex mix of personal tragedy, the weight of his affliction, and the revelations that unravel throughout the story. As readers delve deeper into the captivating world of “Karakuri Circus,” they will witness the ever-evolving relationship between these two enigmatic characters, each with their own desires, secrets, and fates intertwined.

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