In the popular anime series “Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,” Mitsuki, a prominent character and member of Team 7, has showcased his extraordinary abilities, including his recently revealed perfected Sage Mode. Mitsuki’s journey and his close relationship with Boruto Uzumaki have captured the attention of fans worldwide. Let’s explore Mitsuki’s Sage Mode transformation, his fascination with Boruto, and why he is considered a great character in the series.
Mitsuki’s Perfected Sage Mode
In the 39th episode of “Boruto: Naruto Next Generations,” Mitsuki’s past and his unique powers were unveiled. While on a mission with Orochimaru, his adoptive parent, Mitsuki discovered hidden memories and a power he was unaware of: Sage Mode. When provoked and driven by his own determination, Mitsuki unleashed an intense transformation, entering Sage Mode. In this form, he exudes a green aura, elongated snake-like eyes, facial scales, and a horn on his forehead. The power surge grants him enhanced strength and speed, surprising even Orochimaru himself. Fans are eager to see Mitsuki demonstrate his newfound power to his teammates.
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Mitsuki’s Fascination with Boruto
Fans have been interested by Mitsuki’s affinity to the series’ protagonist, Boruto Uzumaki, since their first encounters. Mitsuki’s upbringing explains why he has such a deep interest in Boruto. Created by Orochimaru, Mitsuki was designed to forge his own path and find a life suited to him. In Orochimaru’s complex plan, Mitsuki’s memories were repeatedly erased. However, after the sixth attempt, Mitsuki rebelled and escaped to Konohagakure, the Village Hidden in the Leaves. It was there that Mitsuki discovered his father’s intention for him to meet and befriend Boruto, the Hokage’s son.
Mitsuki’s acceptance by the Hokage and his concealment of his parentage allowed him to befriend Boruto and establish a close bond with him. Orochimaru’s decision to introduce Mitsuki to Naruto’s son may have been influenced by Naruto’s reputation for changing people and forging strong connections. Through numerous adventures and missions, Boruto and Mitsuki have faced challenges together, fostering a deep friendship based on mutual support and shared responsibilities.
Mitsuki: A Great Character
Mitsuki’s character has captivated viewers and earned him recognition as one of the standout personalities in “Boruto: Naruto Next Generations.” Here are some reasons why Mitsuki is considered a great character in the series:
Logical Thinking: Sage mode
Mitsuki consistently displays intelligence and rationality when faced with challenges. Rather than letting emotions guide his actions, he takes a realistic and logical approach. An example of this was seen during the threat posed, where Mitsuki’s approach effectively resolved the situation.